Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Important Information Regarding Exporting And Importing Documents

  • The export process is limited to exporting documents that are no more than 1MB in size.
  • There is an approximate limit of two hundred documents that can be included in a single pack. The exact number will depend on the size and complexity of the documents. Exceeding the limit may cause the export process to timeout.
  • Where a document being exported includes an associated embedded item, for example an Excel template, this will also be exported with the document.
  • Where a linked document is exported it will retain its own folder location, not the location of the host document. if a user notices multiple folders being created when importing document packs, this is likely to be a result of linked documents.
  • Where multiple levels of documents are embedded in a single document then only the first linked document is exported.
  • When exporting campaigns, their execution status will be reset to New, and their start and end sates rest accordingly. In addition, scheduled segment documents will not retain their date and time elements, these will need to be reset on the receiving system.
  • Where a campaign is associated with a program, this link will be broken on export. The link can be manually re-established once imported into another system that has an equivalent program.
  • Document permissions will not be included in document packs. Permissions need to be reapplied on the receiving system after import.
  • Global variables and system variable nodes defined in a campaign are not included when a document is imported. These will need to exist on the receiving system and be reapplied to the campaign after import.
  • Client ID is a property of every document within a system. Documents are automatically created a new Client ID when imported into another system.
  • Date formats, for example date and date time, need to be manually adjusted when importing documents that include formats that do not match the receiving system as these are not automatically reformatted.
  • When exporting campaigns that include a 'Send a message' tactic that references an Email manager client account, if the client account does not exist on the receiving system then the tactic settings will be cleared and will need to be remapped.
  • Where a tactic references an Email manager Account Link the configuration ID of the FTP site is stored within the document. on opening the document in the receiving system a check is made to see if a matching FTP configuration ID exists. if a match is found the settings are replaced (FTP name and folder name are taken from the new environment FTP settings). If no match is found then the FTP settings are cleared and the fields are left blank.
  • When importing a campaign that includes an Import CSV node the parameters are not retained on the receiving system and will need to be remapped.
  • When documents are transferred any saved counts are also transferred. These counts are overwritten when the document is processed in its new environment.
  • Document transfer will not import a campaign if there is already a campaign with the same name in the same folder and that campaign is active. Document transfer will not notify you of this at this point, the message active campaign detected in the activity log.
  • When importing a document, if a document of the same name is found in the same folder, it will ask you if you wish to copy and replace the document. Saying yes will create a new document ID for that version of the document.
  • When importing a campaign that includes parameters linked to variables and / subscriptions the parameters are not retained on the receiving system and will need to exist and be remapped on the receiving system.

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